John Holdsclaw IV, President and CEO of Rochdale Capital, a new loan development fund that aims to support community-based organizations and co-ops, discusses the launch of Rochdale Capital, and the Importance of Community Loan Programs.

John Holdsclaw IV recently launched Rochdale Capital. The recently formed loan fund was formed to advance the development of community ownership and asset building in rural and urban distressed communities. "We look forward to working with National Cooperative Bank (NCB), and other Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) across the country on achieving this mission,” stated John Holdsclaw IV. Prior to Rochdale Capital, John served as Executive Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at NCB.

In addition, John worked as director of policy and development at Capital Impact Partners, a national certified CDFI, where he developed and implemented the organization’s public policy strategy. John worked at the National Head Start Association, the only national organization dedicated solely to the Head Start program and community as grassroots coordinator and associate director of its government affairs division.

Mr. Holdsclaw currently serves on the board of trustees of Global Communities, board of directors of Groundswell, Partner for Common Good (CDFI), and American Bankers Association (ABA) Stonier Graduate School of Banking. Most recently, John was appointed to the Cooperative Development Foundation's Board of Directors.

Rochdale Capital is a national non-profit community development loan fund that will provide financing and technical assistance to cooperative enterprises and other community-based organizations. The organization hopes to be certified as a CDFI by the US Treasury later this year, thus joining the more than 1,200 private-sector organizations across the country that attract capital from private and public sources.

National Cooperative Bank (NCB) serves as the founding strategic partner of Rochdale Capital. NCB’s mission is to support and be an advocate for America’s cooperatives and their members, especially in low-income communities, by providing innovative financial and related services.