Vernon Oakes, host of Everything Co-op, interviews Hugh B. Price, Civil Rights Leader, Attorney, Author and Foundation Executive. Vernon and Hugh discuss his autobiography, and how the cooperative principles were interwoven throughout his family history. Hugh B. Price is a long-time civil rights leader, activist and public intellectual. As president of the National Urban League from 1994 to 2003, he launched the League's historic Campaign for African-American Achievement, spearheaded pressure on the federal government to combat police brutality and racial profiling, vigorously defended affirmative action, and helped repair frayed relations between the black and Jewish communities. He has been an editorial writer for the New York Times, senior vice president in charge of national production at WNET/Thirteen in New York City, and vice president of the Rockefeller Foundation. Recently Prince released his reflective autobiography, This African American Life (Blair, 2017). His numerous television appearances range from Meet the Press and The Newshour with Jim Lehrer to Charlie Rose and The O'Reilly Factor. Price is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the American Philosophical Society. In the Fall of 2012 he taught a class at Princeton University, "Innovations in Urban Economic Development: Potential of Worker Cooperatives for Revitalizing Inner Cities and Reducing Poverty." He continues to be fascinated by how the cooperative business model is being used today.