Everything Co-op has partnered with Start.coop to interview graduates from its 2020 cohort of entrepreneur teams. The interviews are a precursor to "The People's Pitch", a pitch event celebrating the Start.coop's class of 2020. This week Greg Brodsky, Co-Director of Start.coop, joins representatives from two of the teams: Austin Robey, Co-Founder of Ampled, and Lewis Weil, founder of Money Positive, discusses the upcoming event with host, Vernon Oakes.

But Wait... This is Your Preview to an Experiential Event!

All attendees of NCBA CLUSA's 2020 Impact conference, have been invited to be active participants of "The People's Pitch," on Friday October 9th, for final graduation pitches from Start.coop's 2020 cohort teams, and to actually cast their VOTE to determine which start-ups are awarded funds from the $10,000 graduation prize pool. The event will be held in conjunction with the National Co-op Business Association (NCBA), as the close to their 2020 Impact conference.

Start.coop exists to build an ecosystem that lifts up, supports, and accelerates cooperative entrepreneurs on their business journey. The program's accelerator selects the most promising teams from across North America and provides them with training and support embedded in its rigorous business curriculum and world-class mentor community. Start.coop considers its program "an accelerator of the next generation of co-operative entrepreneurs."

Ampled is a platform that allows music artists to be supported by their community with direct, recurring payments. Structured as a co-op, Ampled is 100% owned by its artists, workers, and community. Founded in 2018 by a group of designers, software engineers, and musicians, Ampled lets fans directly support their favorite musicians in exchange for exclusive content and experiences.

Money Positive is a worker-owned financial planning service focused on democratizing financial planning and building long-term financial health for everyone. Sitting at the intersection of human smarts and technological efficiency, Money Positive uses a proprietary software platform that allows its financial planners to help clients build intuitive budgets and personalized strategies for their savings, debts, and investments at a fraction of the price of traditional financial planning services.