Where in your life are you not being yourself in a relationship?

This conversation is the ultimate relationship compatibility litmus test. It's about how you establish a relationship from the beginning determining how it continues unless you break the agreement to create a new one.

After years of trying to be the “nice boss” I set myself up for relationships where I was hand holding and dancing around tough topics and in the end when we inevitably needed to move to a new level, the relationships were challenged.

What I've learnt through my experiences with my employees, clients, friends and marriage is that it is far easier to establish the bar where it needs to be at the beginning of a relationship rather than confront things partway through.

This conversation is especially useful for anyone who is used to caretaking, being too nice or trying to people please in any relationship in your life.

I'll be sharing my experiences with relationships so that you can learn from my mistakes and discover how to confidently say this is who I am and set your relationships up for success right from the start.

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Or you can check out my website: www.katerubyaroha.com

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