Episode 25 - Today we interview Rev. Dr. Grace Ji-Sun Kim about a bit of Intersectional Theology, and her new book, The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to the Holy Spirit: Hand Raisers, Han, and the Holy Ghost, avaiable here!

Grace Ji-Sun Kim is a Korean-American author, theologian and Associate Professor at Earlham School of Religion in Richmond, Indiana. She is best known for books and articles on the social and religious experiences of Korean women immigrants to North America. Dr. Kim was born in Seoul, South Korea, and immigrated with her family to London, Ontario in 1975. She earned a B.Sc. in Psychology from Victoria University at the University of Toronto, an M. Div. from Knox College, University of Toronto, and a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto. Dr. Kim has also written for TIME, The Feminist Wire, Feminism and Religion, The Forum for Theological Education, 99 Brattle, The Nation, and The Huffington Post.

Check her out at https://gracejisunkim.wordpress.com/

And her Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @gracejisunkim everywhere

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