We live in an infinitely creative universe — and with every passing moment we have the option to actively and consciously participate with that creativity. We can either follow the familiar rhythms of our own habituations and comforts, or we can make a different choice altogether — we can do something new, something unpredictable, something that allows this creative novelty to work through our own nervous system and spill new forms of beauty into the rest of the world.

Because we are all artists at the end of the day. We are constantly creating new realities and conjuring new possibilities, both for ourselves and for the rest of the world. Every decision we make is a creative act, whether we are aware of it or not. Sometimes we live our art in unconscious ways, following a path of least resistance as far as we think it will take us. But we are also invited to bring more embodied awareness to our creative expression — harnessing the untamed sounds, colors, and energies of nature and willing them to bend in the service of beauty, meaning, purpose, and connection.

This is what Ryan and I explore in this special episode of Inhabit — how to more fully align ourselves with our own deepest source of beauty, inspiration, and creative emergence.

Watch as we discuss:

- The creative confluence that exists between beauty, evolution, and spirit,

- The importance of a 2nd-person perspective to your creative process,

- How the neoliberal commodification of art influences and/or limits our own creative expression,

- How the integral mindset allows us to increase our enjoyment and enactment of art,

- How our immersion in entertainment culture can make us overly critical of art,

- The importance of beauty and aesthetics for the healing process,

- How work with our own creative blocks and ruts