Dan Brenic, host of the Netflix n Swill podcast stops by the dungeon via technology to share his story.  Dan discusses, growing up in Pennsylvania, his struggle with depression, and the annoyance of trying to find a good place to work.  

You can find the NetflixnSwill Podcast on your favorite podcast listening platform. 
You can connect with Danny on twitter: @NetflixnSwill
Find him on Facebook: Netflix 'N Swill
Visit their website for quality Netflix news: www.netflixnswill.com

Want to share your story?  Connect with me at 
Twitter: @knatradio
email: [email protected]
Facebook: Everybody Has a Story

Some music in this episode is used by permission from Teknoaxe.
you can find his awesome music at www.teknoaxe.com

Support the show (https://t.co/hIGwCA29n1)