This is the 1st episode of the Stories Inside the Man Cave Podcast teamed up with Everyone Gets a Trophy Podcast.

Host: Shawn Clynch 

Co-hosts: Big Mike Murphy and Maurice "Coach Mo" Harris

You can find the previous 17 episodes on:

"Ya'll my friends!"

That's how the boys got it started in this episode. 

Due to the fact there are listeners located in the United Kingdom and across Europe and in the South Pacific, the boys gave shouts out to those listeners and those located in Guam.

The boys did avoid discussing Covid19, which is quite an accomplishment.

Instead, the distilleries, breweries, and wineries in the Texas Hill Country received some love.

Johnny Football (Manziel) received a mention for his near disastrous attempt leaping off a cliff into a body of water.

The episode transitioned to an interview with a former football teammate of Coach Mo, Sammy Davis. Mo and Davis are also family. The two played together at Texas A&M in the early 2000s.

Davis was later selected early in the NFL Draft and began his pro career as a defensive back for the San Diego Chargers.

The former Aggie great discussed his collegiate career and how tough the bonfire tragedy truly was during his freshman season in 1999, leading up to the Texas.

Speaking of the Longhorns, Davis said both schools must find a way to resume the rivalry.