The initial experience of awakening is not often one of calm, serenity, and bliss; rather, the initial encounter is one of waking up to confusion, uncertainty, and despair. We can map our own psychological experience to the mythological story of the Buddha's biography.
The post The Heavenly Stings: Dharma Talk and Meditation appeared first on Josh Summers.

In Episode 93, I continue to explore the Buddha’s essential 4-fold teaching, commonly known as The Four Noble Truths. Listen to it here or subscribe in your favorite podcast app.

Links from the Episode

River Bird Sangha: Weekly Dharma Talk/Meditaiton, Yin Yoga/Qi Gong, Yin Yoga, and Yang Yoga:
Bhikkhu Bodhi article: Meeting the Heavenly Messengers

The post The Heavenly Stings: Dharma Talk and Meditation appeared first on Josh Summers.