Yin Yoga collaborates with the organs of Chinese Medicine to support holistic health. It's not just a matter of stimulating the channels; it's a matter of optimizing organ health through the integration of posture, breath and psycho-spiritual practice. - Josh Summers
The post My Take on Yin Yoga and Chinese Medicine | Talk with Josh appeared first on Josh Summers.

In this talk, I share how Yin Yoga supports Chinese organ health. As a result one's vital energy circulates and becomes harmonized. Listen to Episode 162 here or in your favorite podcast app.

Practice and Train with Josh and Terry:

Online Yin Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine Training with Josh (50hr) March through May 2022: https://joshsummers.net/tcm-training-spring-030122/
Online Yin Yoga, Qi Gong and Meditation Classes with Josh and Terry, PLUS access to our replay library of workshops, classes and tutorials. https://joshsummers.net/sangha/


The post My Take on Yin Yoga and Chinese Medicine | Talk with Josh appeared first on Josh Summers.