"The path tends to move along a continuum from personal dukkha - or fundamental wrongness - to a transformational awakening - or unconditional rightness." - Josh Summers
The post Fundamental Wrongness to Unconditional Rightness: Dharma Talk appeared first on Josh Summers.

We often begin the spiritual journey with a vague or an acute sense that something in our life isn't quite right, and we look to the spiritual path for a resolution to our distress. In Episode 117, I explore what sorts of wrongness the Buddhist path addresses and what kinds of dukkha the practice accepts as inevitable. Listen to it here or in your preferred podcast app.

Links from the Episode

Letters from the Path: https://joshsummers.net/subscribe
Practice with Josh and Terry: https://joshsummers.net/sangha

The post Fundamental Wrongness to Unconditional Rightness: Dharma Talk appeared first on Josh Summers.