From the safe experience of fundamental consciousness - a consciousness that is awake to, within and beyond the body - we can release and unburden the body's holding of trauma within the fascia.
The post Dr. Judith Blackstone: Healing Within Fundamental Consciousness appeared first on Josh Summers.

In Episode 95, I interview Judith Blackstone about her unique synthesis of embodied awareness, spiritual awakening, and the healing of trauma. Listen to our discussion here or in your favorite podcast app.

Links from the Episode

Dr. Judith Blackstone’s website:
Dr. Judith Blackstone’s recent book: Trauma and the Unbound Body: The Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness
River Bird Sangha: Weekly Dharma Talk/Meditaiton, Yin Yoga/Qi Gong, Yin Yoga, and Yang Yoga:

The post Dr. Judith Blackstone: Healing Within Fundamental Consciousness appeared first on Josh Summers.