"You're flying the plane and have to figure out what works. We - teachers - are just ground control."
The post Bernie Clark: Beyond the Binary appeared first on Josh Summers.

Bernie Clark returns for a deep dive into the topic of binary, or black and white, thinking. There are many misconceptions about Yin Yoga, and many of these misunderstandings stem from binary thinking. Bernie and I discuss how to transcend binary thinking and how to better occupy the Middle Way of teaching and practicing Yin Yoga.

Listen to Episode 85 here or subscribe in your favorite podcast app.

Links from the Episode

River Bird Sangha: Weekly Dharma Talk/Meditaiton, Yin Yoga/Qi Gong, Yin Yoga, and Yang Yoga: https://joshsummers.net/sangha
Here’s the full set of interviews I’ve done with Bernie Clark on this podcast.
Bernie Clark addresses common concerns and misunderstandings about Yin Yoga: https://yinyoga.com/concerns
Stephen Asma: Philosopher, musician, and painter: https://stephenasma.com/monsterology
Lastly, here’s my tribute episode to my friend, the late Michael Brooks

The post Bernie Clark: Beyond the Binary appeared first on Josh Summers.