The kind of attention you rely on, and the kind of attention you let atrophy, ultimately becomes a decision about what you value as worth perceiving. - Howard Axelrod
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Howard Axelrod discusses the devastating impact of digital life on our attention, our sense of self, our ability to shape meaning, and what we can do about it. Listen to Episode 151 here or in your favorite podcast app.


Books by Howard Axelrod: The Stars in Our Pockets (mentioned in episode); The Point of Vanishing (his memoir).

Practice Resources:

Winter Retreat – A Day of Yin (December 11): Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, Yin Meditation with Josh Summers and Terry Cockburn.
Shop: Yin Yoga and meditation Workshops, Courses,Trainings and Books: 
River Bird Sangha: Weekly Online Classes (Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, Meditation) with Josh and Terry:

The post Attention Collapse and Inner Climate Change | Howard Axelrod appeared first on Josh Summers.