This is the story of two women, Jamaican-Americans who would rather be anywhere but Africa, Ghana. One, towards self-discovery, and the other for love. In this episode, we experience the struggle of being a female of anything especially in Africa (where patriarchy is just the system), the impact of will to overcome even the most challenging heights, and most of all, the journey of rediscovering, adapting and rewriting the narratives of things.

IG: @zinghanmakeda @akosua7 @fordcommunications

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This podcast was created and produced by Drc. Jaèy(@jaeyalley on IG & Twitter), for the AMBC.

The AMBC is an independent media & production body that's dedicated to producing world-class contents that competes, and promotes the amplification Black/African voices / narratives.

For enquiries you can send us a maill: [email protected].


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