Denise Hammond was kicked in the head by her horse and thrown 40 feet one morning during her work on her farm.  Shortly after, she received her CT results to find not only a severe concussion, but something much more serious, and completely unexpected.  The journey that followed over the next 2 years was one of revelation, extensive surgery, complications, and rehabilitation, and an even stronger faith in a God who was with her every step of the way.   Listen and hear about how her faith equipped her and sustained her for her trial.


"It doesn't matter what your trial is, its significant to God.  The key is to bring it to Him, allow Him to carry it.  He allows it for a greater purpose." -Denise Hammond


Joshua 1:9  "Be Strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord is with you wherever you go."



To connect with Denise, visit: