Mike didn't believe in near death testimonies until he experienced one. Sepsis (massive systemic infection) after a ruptured appendix nearly took his life. Events that transpired during the trial would have a life changing impact.   In this episode Mike shares: Discovering the severity of his illness during his son's wedding celebration Moving to the operating room table alert and seeing Jesus extending his hand, "I want to answer your prayer." A supernatural experience he had with Jesus, the landscape of heaven, the colors, the sensations A sight that was so overwhelming it brought him to his knees Regaining consciousness and seeing the crash cart and defibrillator Processing his experience and the difficulty in sharing the account in the beginning Recalling the prayer of his childhood that Jesus wanted to answer How this experience impacted his faith The desire to write down what he saw and share the message Walking with Jesus daily and seeing His hand in even the smallest things A specific time that Mike heard the audible voice of God and how God was faithful An encouraging take away message and invitation to seek Jesus "It's more than just faith now. I held the hand of Jesus. It was a physical thing, and I just know there is life after death. There's life during this life, too. I mean, Jesus is with me all the time, answering all these prayers, tiny miracles every day. I see his presence every day. You just have to be aware of it, you know, I think you just have to seek him out and  he'll reveal himself to you." - Mike McKinsey   "It's more than just faith now. I held the hand of Jesus. It was a physical thing, and I just know there is life after death. There's life during this life, too. I mean, Jesus is with me all the time, answering all these prayers, tiny miracles every day. I see his presence every day. You just have to be aware of it, you know, I think you just have to seek him out and he'll reveal himself to you." - Mike McKinsey “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-12   To follow Mike on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035516782089   Mike's first book: https://a.co/d/9uo0Cot   Guidepost Book with Mike's Testimony: https://www.shopguideposts.org/witnessing-heaven-glimpses-of-eternity.html?fbclid=IwAR1Nl3sbB5Mdh_54s9np6G8ZRngzjYWIOSQiLVr-VdfFBN9bbI4HrQDO5C8

Mike didn't believe in near death testimonies until he experienced one. Sepsis (massive systemic infection) after a ruptured appendix nearly took his life. Events that transpired during the trial would have a life changing impact.   In this episode Mike shares: Discovering the severity of his illness during his son's wedding celebration Moving to the operating room table alert and seeing Jesus extending his hand, "I want to answer your prayer." A supernatural experience he had with Jesus, the landscape of heaven, the colors, the sensations A sight that was so overwhelming it brought him to his knees Regaining consciousness and seeing the crash cart and defibrillator Processing his experience and the difficulty in sharing the account in the beginning Recalling the prayer of his childhood that Jesus wanted to answer How this experience impacted his faith The desire to write down what he saw and share the message Walking with Jesus daily and seeing His hand in even the smallest things A specific time that Mike heard the audible voice of God and how God was faithful An encouraging take away message and invitation to seek Jesus "It's more than just faith now. I held the hand of Jesus. It was a physical thing, and I just know there is life after death. There's life during this life, too. I mean, Jesus is with me all the time, answering all these prayers, tiny miracles every day. I see his presence every day. You just have to be aware of it, you know, I think you just have to seek him out and  he'll reveal himself to you." - Mike McKinsey   "It's more than just faith now. I held the hand of Jesus. It was a physical thing, and I just know there is life after death. There's life during this life, too. I mean, Jesus is with me all the time, answering all these prayers, tiny miracles every day. I see his presence every day. You just have to be aware of it, you know, I think you just have to seek him out and he'll reveal himself to you." - Mike McKinsey “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-12   To follow Mike on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035516782089   Mike's first book: https://a.co/d/9uo0Cot   Guidepost Book with Mike's Testimony: https://www.shopguideposts.org/witnessing-heaven-glimpses-of-eternity.html?fbclid=IwAR1Nl3sbB5Mdh_54s9np6G8ZRngzjYWIOSQiLVr-VdfFBN9bbI4HrQDO5C8