"I like to start there because some of the sort of wonky ways that we find our way into the things that we love matter and make us who we are."

In this episode, we explore Nick Eagleton's wonderfully creative and unconventional mindthe "Playful Saboteur" and co-founder of Sabatura. Prepare to have your perspectives challenged and imaginations unlocked!

Key Takeaways:

The magic of an artistic education - Finding your tribe and the freedom for self-discovery through creativity. How art school taught Nick to question rules and conventions.

Drawing as a way of thinking - The power of scribbles, doodles and sketches to capture ideas, memories and unlock the imagination, even in corporate meetings.

Escaping the Matrix - Nick's brave leap from the corporate world to co-found Sabatura, a revolutionary brand experience company with no job titles or hierarchy.

The importance of curiosity - Keeping a childlike sense of wonder, asking "why?" and being open to life's surprises as fuel for creativity.

Balancing rational and intuitive - Navigating the polarities of process/freedom, structure/messiness to allow space for unbridled ideation.

Redefining leadership - Nick's refreshing take on "reluctant leadership" - focusing on inspiration over authority and making it about "us" not "me."

Finding your "mischievous saboteur" name - A fun exercise to tap into your creative spirit! What adjective unlocks your imaginative side?

Stay playful and don't be afraid to question norms. As Nick shows, a little subversive creativity can spark magic in work and life. Let your artistic mind run free!

Connect with Nick Eagleton 



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