Perhaps the biggest game changer in my leadership has been triumphantly facing a journey with breast cancer. The moment brought me to my knees and challenged my very existence.

Michelle is a Senior Investment Officer and Head of Public and Private partnerships advisory for the Caribbean at the World Bank. The World Bank is the world's largest multilateral development bank, owned by 190 member countries, which promotes long-term economic development and poverty reduction.

She has over 25 years of experience and has always been driven by the next deal until cancer brought her to her knees and gave her the greatest gift in her transformation, bringing a new level of vulnerability and surrender. 

I had to make intentional choices about how I want to live. And I have brought that intentionality to how I lead and the impact I want to make

She is now leading a team working on a transformational program with the Government of Jamaica to significantly advance Jamaica's development agenda through strategic partnerships and deeper

engagements with the World Bank through a $1.5 billion private sector infrastructure investment to bring to market possibly, highway, broadband, healthcare, water, sanitation, and other infrastructure


In this conversation, Michelle discusses topics such as:

Being an infrastructure nerd

Creating great relationships with your managers

Signs that you want something more out of your career

Change your mindset, change your language

Carrying the weight of a country's infrastructure

Focusing on Self-Mastery

The gift from her cancer journey 

You can't build trust if you're talking all the time

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