My guest today is a Missouri native, an athlete training to be a ninja, previously a senior developer at a tech startup and a DJ. A few of years ago he left San Francisco to travel around the globe and perform rigorous physical training. He then settled down in Southeast Asia for a while enjoying a new life by the beach. Let’s find out how it all happened. Without further ado I give you – Matt Barnicle aka Nomadic Ninja.

Having been friends for over 11 years, naturally, it was an easy conversation and a good chance to catch up in Bangkok. We covered an array of topics from quite deep to decidedly light-hearted. Matt has had a fascinating trajectory that can serve as inspiration to many struggling with finding their path and improving their mental and physical states. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did.

My guest today is a Missouri native, an athlete training to be a ninja, previously a senior developer at a tech startup and a DJ. A few of years ago he left San Francisco to travel around the globe and perform rigorous physical training. He then settled down in Southeast Asia for a while enjoying a new life by the beach. Let’s find out how it all happened. Without further ado I give you – Matt Barnicle aka Nomadic Ninja.

Having been friends for over 11 years, naturally, it was an easy conversation and a good chance to catch up while we both were in Bangkok. We covered an array of topics from quite deep to decidedly light-hearted. Matt has had a fascinating trajectory that can serve as inspiration to many struggling with finding their path and improving their mental and physical states. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did.


Texas Instruments Tape Program Sound
SOLID (Wikipedia)
DevIQ: Fundamental OOP Principles
TDD (Test Driven Development) (Wikipedia)
DDD (Domain Driven Design) (Wikipedia)
Black Mirror (IMDB)
American Ninja Warrior
Sasuke Official
Sasuke (Wikipedia)
Kurzweil Claims That the Singularity Will Happen by 2045
Ray Kurzweil / The Singularity (Wikipedia)
Sworkit App
Madbarz App
Fitbod App
Nomadic Ninja on Instagram
Made’s Banana Flour on Instagram