This week, Rav and special guest co-host D’Arcy McConvey are super excited to welcome Matt Nichol to the podcast to discuss the importance of investing in health. As a veteran strength and conditioning coach who has trained professional and elite amateur athletes since the late 1990’s, Matt possesses a wealth of experience and knowledge in this field, and on today’s show he shares with listeners his approach to training his clients, and his top 3 ‘absolutes’ when it comes to making health and wellbeing investments.

Episode Highlights:

Matt’s road to becoming an elite trainer
His approach to teaching clients about investing in their health
Matt’s top 3 ‘absolutes’ for investing in health and wellbeing


“I’m still teaching. I’m just teaching athletes and some executive guys how to take care of their health a little bit better.”

“I spend all day hanging around with these high performers, achievers.”

“The same principles they have used to be successful in business…it’s just applying those same principles to your health and wellness, and creating a plan.”

“Every hour of sleep you got before midnight was worth two after.”

“We’re so used to being a 24 hour society.”


Everyday Investor homepage:

Matt’s homepage: