Summer is almost here and the K-Pop world is prepping us with some awesome hits. We have the spectacular girl group Twice and their new single (no pun intended), the world famous Psy and his new song, CBX’s new hit, Day6’s most recent song, and plenty more. All will be discussed this episode of the Kwkpop Radio Show. Please join us and don’t be afraid to call in as well!


      Lots of Love, 

              your fave girls,

                        ~The KWK Team:)

PS- And please, don’t be afraid to reach out to us at any time during the show. Even if we have a guest, we still wanna hear from you guys, our listeners. You may even call in while we have our guest if you have a question for them! The number is 347-539-5372.  You can also tweet us at @dailyktweets or send us an email at [email protected]. We love to hear from you guys.