Saturday, August 19th at 3pm EST, Journey Into Passion with Anika S. continues the Back On Track Series on the Everyday Folks Radio Network!

Recent news in Charlotte, Virginia caused a slight change in direction for this particular show.  

Instead of just talking about how to take things to the next level during our Get Back on Track Series, let’s discuss why we need to do this. There are people in this world whose entire life is dedicated to seeing certain groups fail. We have to find ways to counteract what they are doing. So how are we going to do that? Let’s talk about it.

Make sure to visit for your daily inspiration and encouragement and be the first to know what is coming up next on this new series. You can also post your questions or comments that will be read during the live broadcast.Or you can email them to [email protected].

If you would like to speak to me during the live broadcast, please call 347-539-5372, or send an email to [email protected].