With the world on lockdown and all Magic tournaments cancelled, we are taking you out of the current reality and onto a cruise through the history of Legacy. Together with our guests Marius "MariusOfTheMoon" Hausmann we specifically explore the bans of the years 2004-2011. I did a ton of research on this episode to provide you with some super interesting tidbits and little-known facts about these bannings. While doing so I found in particularly interesting to analyze Wizards of the Coast's historic explanations about their decisions, which played a significant part in establishing the formation of Legacy as we know it today.
With all our hosts being contemporaries of all these banned cards, we discuss our experiences with the respective cards at the times and how we feel about the necessity of their bans.

Imperial Seal
Time Vault
Mystical Tutor
Survival of the Fittest
Mental Misstep

Show Notes

March 2020 Legacy Banned List
2002 Type 1.5 Banned List (pre-Legacy)
Timeline of all Magic Bannings
Creation of Legacy, September 2004
Starter & Portal Sets become legal, March 2005
Imperial Seal banned, September 2005
Closing the Suspend-loophole with Shahrazad, July 2007
WotC Explanation of Shahrazad ban, September 2007
MTG Goldfish article about the history of Time Vault
WotC gives Time Vault its final form, September 2008
WotC Explanation of Mystical Tutor ban, June 2010 ["The Gentlemen's Agreement"]
WotC Explanation of Survival of the Fittest ban, December 2010
WotC Explanation of Mental Misstep ban, September 2011

I really enjoyed researching today's episode. For as well as I remember those cards and bans, I still found a ton of unique and interesting details that I love sharing with you!

Thanks a lot for tuning into today's show!
Until next time,