You can’t think you way out of thinking.

And constant ruminative thought is often at the root of a variety of issues from anxiety and depression, to issues with anger, body image, and the limits we place on ourselves. Our physiology is not disconnected from our emotional lives or endocrinological systems, and so our states of mind are reflected in our bodies.

Lots of people think they can't meditate because their mind will not settle down and be quiet. But meditation is not about having a quiet mind. Meditation is about quietly being with your mind. It's about seeing your how your thoughts and emotions are entangled together and generate reactivity. And how to find some spacious in all that so you can have your emotions and reactions without being driven by them.

Also in this episode we explore some common misconceptions about mediation and provide some resources for getting started with a meditative practice.

Mentioned in this episode:

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