Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is not just an issue with a woman's ovaries, but can be a systemic condition that is closely tied with a variety of hormonal interactions in the body. The standard conventional treatment involves the use of synthetic hormone birth control pills, which can suppress some of the symptoms, but it does not get at the underlying root of this condition.

Chinese medicine, with its long history of natural solutions to women's health issues can be quite effective in treating PCOS.

Listen in as our guest in this episode both details her personal journey with discovering how Chinese medicine helped her to solve her own problems and how she has gone on to  help women who suffer with PCOS using the natural and effective methods of acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and lifestyle changes.

If you or someone you care about struggles with PCOS, this podcast discussion will be well worth your time.

Check out the show notes page for links and resources discussed in the show.

Mentioned in this episode:

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