On this week’s podcast, we want to take you with us on a journey – a transformational journey to Africa. This week’s guest is Greg Traverso, from the adventure travel company Metamo. “Transformational” is a word that runs throughout the entire episode, from Greg’s descriptions of his first journey across Africa at age 31 which provided the genesis of his company - to what happens to the guests who join him and his team of travelers on the journeys to exotic destinations like Kenya, Tanzania and Mount Kilimanjaro.   There can little doubt that we live in transformational times where we are all pushing our own personal boundaries. Listen to Greg tell his story of how he leads his guests on life-changing journeys – and why he feels that Africa, its wildlife and its people are something truly special, along with being a place that the world needs to understand a little better and learn more about.   So, if you think a possible transformational journey might be interesting, this episode will definitely be for you. To learn more about Greg Traverso, his company Metamo and his transformative journeys, visit their website at https://metamo.travel/  or you can check out Metamo's podcast.