Passionate cocktail connoisseur Chris Kiertz joins us in this week’s episode and he comes at the whole cocktail landscape in quite a different way. A Boston-area tech marketer, Kiertz is not only all about the cocktails, but also about the data from the people who enjoy them. Combining another of his loves, Chris starts off with some great tips on how to take incredible cocktail photos without breaking the bank. As founder of with its 40K Instagram followers, Chris knows more than a thing or two about marketing and cocktail imagery.

In Segment 2, we get into Chris’ newest passion called SideCar App, which is already in beta and about to go live. Designed to help people track their cocktail preferences, you’ll hear Chris describe how his new app will help both consumers, bartenders and even spirits companies. Finally, as a high-energy entrepreneur with lots of irons in the fire Chris also takes us through several of his other cocktail-centric adventures. We loved listening to Chris and his passionate, creative ideas and know that you will, as well.