Previous Episode: A Blog Tweaked!

A lot of people aren't happy with Warcraft in it's current state. A lot of people think it's amazing. What do you all think?

Myself - I'm content, but not happy. However, I want to push past this and enjoy the game again while playing RETAIL. I've seen most of the gold making community die off. Completely DEAD. I don't really think this is right, it was and will continue to be (with the members that are left) be an amazing community to be a part of. Blizzard have changed the playing field in that regard to the point where I feel it's not playable. More on that later.

Some have closed the door on Warcraft, other's have moved over to Vanilla Servers. Enjoying the game in there own capacity, an for that, no-one can fault them :) Some of the best memories I have is of Vanilla with friends I still talk to, I have 2 of my oldest Warcraft friends on my, an now they have become a family with the addition of their new baby. I met them 11 Years ago. Oh how times change.

A little too nostalgic? Have to be honest. Warcraft is a big part of my life - an I want to enjoy the game. I want to find that competitive edge again to push being a better gold maker and relaying that information to you guys. My Audience. It's difficult at this stage of the expansion I feel to stay motivated, however I've got a few projects in-game that are going to keep me going without any issue!

Gold, Gold,..Gnomes? - I've started a new Gnome on Outland-EU! - Why there & why a GNOME!!! - Check it out over here! (Currently Being Written)

Gold Making 101 - New to Gold? New to Warcraft? Check these tips out - tiny little bits of information to keep in mind.

ANNNDDD of course I'm going to continue making my Farming Mounts with a profit video's but! My Youtube Channel is a bit of an epic mess so I need to fix that up firstly however.

I just need to get back to what I enjoyed - without the pressure - which I found came back with Raiding - so I'll just stick to LFR for the future.

Thanks for reading.
