I've finally gotten around to getting my 20 Days of Gold Making on the go! Thanks to @NevAHAddict for providing the idea to us all :)
Starting Over - How?
Now this one actually had me thinking for a little bit....I don't want to go into details, but I'm now on my second Warcraft account. Now on my previous account, I was gold capped on 3 characters, and had multiple guilds and expensive materials. I lost the lot. Guess what, it's the not the end of the world!
I had zero, so I bought up a Warcraft Account, and started again, this was the beginning of Cataclysm. Before the end of Cataclysm I was sitting at Gold Cap. If I can do it so can you. So how do we do this? 
Step ONE - PLAN IT OUT!!!!

As the image states, if you want to start over, plan it out first, even if it's only on a single piece of paper, a piece of paper, with the characters you intend to level, and there professions. It's a start. Do you want a guild bank for storage space? Where will my bank character live? What crafting materials sell well on this server? Can I level with a mind to a profit? Asking yourself all of these questions will make you life a whole lot easier when you implement you plan!
Step Two - Start Out SMALL
Don't dive straight in there - Stick to the plan, and start out small. So, how did I do that? I leveled up my characters, and at the end of the leveling sessions, I sent everything over to a Banker alt. Then listed everything on the AH, once a day and done. I started with 
Step Three - KEEP GOING!!!
It's Important to keep going. See the problem with starting over from scratch is it's not easy. You need to make it easy, and enjoyable yourself. Ask friends for help, or boosts, ask them for 500g, an if they already know your a gold making machine, tell them you'll keep the profits and give them 1000g back, and you keep the profits. An if you do you'll go from the picture that's up there of the penny, to this wad of cash!!!

Most importantly, enjoy yourself in everything that you do!!
Thanks for reading.

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