Moving in together is a common “step” that many couples see as necessary and normal in a relationship. Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle discuss why cohabitation can have such negative effects on a relationship. They also share how to talk with a couple who is cohabitating and how to encourage them towards something different.
Snippet from the Show
Couples who do not live together prior to marriage are more likely to have happy marriages.
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Moving in together is a common “step” that many couples see as necessary and normal in a relationship. Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle discuss why cohabitation can have such negative effects on a relationship. They also share how to talk with a couple who is cohabitating and how to encourage them towards something different.

Snippet from the Show

Couples who do not live together prior to marriage are more likely to have happy marriages.

We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] with your questions/comments
Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox!
You can also find the full shownotes at

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