Do you feel like you are getting comfortable in your faith? There is no plateau in the Christian life, for it is an ongoing pilgrimage of constant learning and conversion. Today, Dave "The Saint" VanVickle and I guide you through the five pillars of metanoia or lifelong conversion, to help you keep running towards Christ.
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The saints show us the marvelous things God is capable of doing through us when we run towards Christ, knowing we can only stop when we have crossed the finish line into his glorious heavenly Kingdom.
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Do you feel like you are getting comfortable in your faith? There is no plateau in the Christian life, for it is an ongoing pilgrimage of constant learning and conversion. Today, Dave "The Saint" VanVickle and I guide you through the five pillars of metanoia or lifelong conversion, to help you keep running towards Christ.

Snippet from the Show

The saints show us the marvelous things God is capable of doing through us when we run towards Christ, knowing we can only stop when we have crossed the finish line into his glorious heavenly Kingdom.

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Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox!
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