Personal faith cannot be separated from the sacramental life of the faith. Today, Dave "The Baptizer" VanVickle and I begin our series on the relationship between faith and sacraments. We break down the first few sections of the Vatican document, The Reciprocity between Faith and Sacraments, and explain how salvation is given through the inter-relationship between faith and sacraments.
Snippet from the Show
"The Catholic Church uses the story of the hemorrhaging woman as a paradigm to explain what the sacraments can do in the Body of Christ."
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Personal faith cannot be separated from the sacramental life of the faith. Today, Dave "The Baptizer" VanVickle and I begin our series on the relationship between faith and sacraments. We break down the first few sections of the Vatican document, The Reciprocity between Faith and Sacraments, and explain how salvation is given through the inter-relationship between faith and sacraments.

Snippet from the Show

"The Catholic Church uses the story of the hemorrhaging woman as a paradigm to explain what the sacraments can do in the Body of Christ."

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