In this episode i catch up from the last bonus weekend. I abandoned epic questing to get SIX toons keyed for VP. I have one last fight left to achieve victory. I talk about getting Seb and HS keyed as well as all 9 medallions of the VP key. Soon the Dragon will fall at my feet!!!!

This has been such a fun adventure learning to run around with all these toons. I have learned a lot of what not to do. In the upcoming episodes ill show you all that i have learned,

If there is a zone you want me to check out let me know by calling into the podcast 8588480281 and i will check it out. Got some time to kill waiting for my Trak kill next week. Help a man out !!!

12 classes ... 16 toons ... and counting .... is there a necro army on the way .... are the rumblings of the ground shaking below your feet??? 


So much is on the way Stay tuned like the Evercast Facebook page and leave us a 5 star review if you like my nonsense!!!! We have an insane give away to give away this weekend. And it can only be done via FACEBOOK.