Next Episode: S02 Ep62 Choices

As we mature into adults, we often get messages, directly and indirectly, that we are not creative.

But you are! Everyone is creative! It’s a skill and a way of being that can be cultivated.

Think about how to recover your creativity and live your life more creatively!


Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!


From The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

“Many of us find that we have squandered our own creative energies by investing disproportionately in the lives, hopes, dreams, and plans of others.
Their lives have obscured and detoured our own.
As we consolidate a core through our withdrawal process, we become abler to articulate our own boundaries, dreams, and authentic goals.
Our personal flexibility increases while our malleability to the whims of others decreases. We experience a heightened sense of autonomy and possibility.” 


Live more creatively by…

Thinking about how you can create options for your life each day. Be aware of how routine can help and hinder your creativity.   Doing something creative every day. This can include writing, painting, singing, playing an instrument, creating a garden, sewing, or anything else that gets your brain working in a free-flowing way. Identifying and executing solutions that are outside the norm. Actually executing your ideas rather than just talking about them. This becomes a habit and your creativity will build!

Tips on how you can live more creatively from The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron…

Write morning pages every single day. After you wake up in the morning, get your notebook, and a pen then allow yourself to write about anything for at least three pages. The more you create, the more you can create. At first, I was afraid of doing a podcast because I might run out of things to say but now I am on Episode 61 with a catalog of ideas that keeps growing!

My friend Noelle Van Vlierbergen wrote the book, Sober Moxie. As she incorporated writing and creativity into her daily schedule, she created a journal for recovery, called the Day by Day Book. And then she created multiple versions of the journal, including one for teens. Check out her books at

Another example is Pradeepa Narayanaswamy, the author of Loving Myself and You - Embracing your Perfect Imperfection. Pradeepa didn’t view herself as a writer before but now she is known as one! And, she continues to write on a regular basis!


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