This is part 1 of a 5-episode series to help founders and other senior leaders develop leadership skills. If you’re an individual contributor or in any sort of leadership position, you’ll find this series helpful in better understanding your career path and the leaders you work with.


Welcome to Ever Better Today: the daily podcast for creating your optimal business, career, or overall life in ten minutes or less. I’m Lisa Conners Vogt, Executive and Leadership Coach and founder of Ever Better Coaching and Consulting. Let’s jump in!


How founders and other senior leaders fail to lead…


#1 They don’t create the right leadership team.

Don’t hire strong leaders. Don’t trust their leaders to lead. Don’t make time for regular one-on-one meetings with leaders. Poor communications with the leadership team.


#2 They don’t delegate.

Always on! Even when out of the office, founders and senior leaders are still actively working and making decisions. All activity revolves around them. The leadership team is not empowered to make decisions.


Founder Challenge: Structure the leadership team and delegate so that you can take a one-month sabbatical!


#3 They are slow to fire.

It can be challenging to fire friends and relatives. Concern about being seen as “nice” rather than doing what’s best for the organization


FACT: Acknowledging that someone would be a better fit at another organization helps everyone involved.


#4 They don’t manage up.

Don’t create strong relationships with board members, CEO, investors, and other leaders. Don’t involve board members and advisors at appropriate times.


TRUTH: Everyone has someone they report to!



These are four of the ways that founders and other senior leaders fail to lead.
Download the complete list at


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