Dan Warburton is a transformational coach who lives in Brighton, England and spends a great deal of time in London. Dan specializes in coaching entrepreneurs and business owners to identify and break through whatever is limiting them, so that they can create a new and fulfilling lifestyle.

After being bullied as a teenager, Dan experienced a breakdown in his early 20's and that led to a breakthrough in which he dedicated himself to deep inquiry and the study of ontology, the nature of being. During this process Dan became a Tai Chi master, studied personal development, spent time with Buddhist monks, and read ancient scriptures. Dan's careers have included being a record-setting D.J., an interior designer for Tesco, and owner of a property maintenance and building renovation company.

Dan believes that it's important to surround yourself with people who empower, acknowledge, and support you to live at your best capacity. Her recommends being aware of negative thoughts such as, “I’m not good enough, nobody wants me.”

He encourages taking difficult actions before the survival part of your brain kicks in and holds you back from breaking through your negative self-talk. For example, when you're at a networking event or seminar, take the opportunity to ask a question as a way of introducing yourself to everyone in the room. Dan explains that you'll have a three second window to act, and if you are aware of that feeling, you'll be able to create bigger breakthroughs.

He recommends getting clear on why you’re doing what you’re doing so that you have an arrival point in mind, and only taking actions that align with your dream lifestyle.

Learn more about Dan at DanWarburton.com.


Recommended Book

The Prosperous Coach, by Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin


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