The extraordinary Laura Roeder is a CEO who started her first business at the age of 22.

During our discussion, Laura talks about how her parents inspired her to start a business, why she can’t imagine working for anyone else, and how she balances her work-life with her life-life, while caring for a two-year-old child.

As she's grown MeetEdgar, a company that helps businesses and individuals manage their social media management through a very cool tool, Laura hasn't taken venture capital. She's invested profits back into the company and grown it from the ground up. She discusses the benefits of this approach and how it's often discounted when startups are planning their strategy. 

If you’re considering a life or career transition, you may be interested in my Discover What’s Next coaching program. Send me an email at [email protected] and we will schedule a 1-hour complimentary consultation.

Key Takeaways:


[3:44] Laura shares her early influences and her journey of entrepreneurship.

[6:49] MeetEdgar, a timesaver tool designed to help people re-purpose their content, was self-funded by Laura's first business.

[11:18] Laura explains the pros and cons of having an entirely virtual company.

[16:27] Laura learned about running a business through small business owners who were generous with their time.

[20:19] What can parents do to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in their children?

[25:21] Laura spends her time doing what she loves, including being a guest on podcasts.

[32:00] The traditional model for becoming a CEO assumes there is someone else taking care of the home and family.


Mentioned in This Episode:

Meet Edgar

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Scaling Up, by Verne Harnish

Ever Better

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