Cassie Parks is a writer, entrepreneur, podcast host, and coach who discusses how to manifest more money and the importance of rewarding yourself when you’ve been successful. She also discusses the power of getting to know your future self.

Cassie was able to retire early from her corporate position by investing in real estate. She capitalized on her entrepreneurial spirit by writing books, manifesting good things into her life, and into the lives of her coaching clients. From her beautiful Denver apartment (view shown below), she hosts two podcasts: Manifest it Now and Happily Ever After. Cassie’s life motto is , “You are worthy of living the best story you can tell.”


Key Takeaways:

[4:14] How Cassie became a writer, podcaster, and coach.

[6:27] Cassie had a corporate job, but has always been an entrepreneur at heart.

[9:44] Her coaching practice helps entrepreneurs welcome money into their lives.

[11:15] Manifest $10,000 is a course that helps clients have fun with money.

[18:32] 50 Days into the Manifest $10,000 course, a client manifested $20,000.

[19:40] Cassie defines what it means to manifest, and common blocks to manifesting.

[23:44] Getting to know your future self.

[26:33] A business success story.

[33:08] The thread that runs through Cassie’s life.


Contact Lisa: [email protected]

Mentioned in This Episode:

Ever Better

Discover What’s Next Coaching

Manifest it Now Podcast

Happy Ever After Podcast

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Pay After You Manifest


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