My guest today is Erin Elizabeth Wells, an intentionality expert and productivity specialist. Though originally from Cincinnati, she fell in love with the New England coastline and settled in historical Salem, MA. Erin lives a short walk from the ocean there, along with her husband and cat. She is the author of Inspired Action: Create More Purpose, Productivity, and Peace in Your Life. Join me to learn more about Erin and her work! You won't want to miss a moment of this episode!


What you’ll hear in this episode:

Erin’s unusual journey through Yale, Harvard Divinity School, to modern pagan


Erin’s early passion for interfaith work


How her work as a grad student for the “classically overcommitted absent-minded professor” set her course


How being a professional organizer became her “ministry”


How she blends productivity and intentionality for her entrepreneur clients


Pagan philosophy and the spiritual connection to nature


How Erin shifted her original focus when writing her book—that took over five years!


The unusual structure and usability of Erin’s book


Four categories of people in relation to PURPOSE: Manifesters, Resistors, Doubters, and Drifters (Which one are YOU?)


The connection between purpose, happiness, and impact


Mindset—it REALLY matters!


Erin’s tools and techniques: Uninstall limiting beliefs, timeline re-imprinting, and empowering questions


Make a Lifestyle List (NOT a Bucket List)


How Erin makes travel a priority


A client success story who created memories with his teenagers


Erin’s morning/evening routine


A Master List of Tasks


Practical tips for making intentionality a pattern


How to create content for books or blog posts


Erin’s meditation practice and favorite meditation apps


Quantum Jumping—What is it?


Erin’s core values: service and joy


Erin’s favorite quotes: From Aristotle, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” From Rabindranath Tagore, “I slept and I dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and I dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and I saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”


Resources: (A gift for our listeners, Erin’s PDF about creating a Master List—check it out!)


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