Welcome to the Ever Better podcast! I'm Lisa Vogt and this is an introduction to the conversations I’ll be sharing each week, what to expect from the Ever Better podcast and a bit about my background.

In short, listening to the podcast will leave you inspired and with ideas for getting even ever better.


Join me for each week for discussions with people who will talk about their extraordinary journeys and how they live wholehearted, connected lives that make a difference in the world. Women and men who are often described as “daring” will share their joys, struggles, imperfections, successes and aspirations. And, we’ll find out how they stay inspired.

My guests are continuous learners who strive to be ever better every day. You might be familiar with TED talks. Well, each of my guests live TED-worthy lives. They pursue big ideas or work with well-defined purpose. Some are known throughout the world, and some are well-known just in specific communities. Many re-prioritized or refocused their lives following a major event. And they all share interesting stories.


You’ll laugh, learn, ponder, and maybe even take notes as you listen to stories of resilience, perseverance, and originality that might apply to your life or that might help your friends or family. I hope you’ll find inspiration and ideas to help stay on track when life is going your way, and tips to help navigate the challenging times we all experience.

If a guest mentions a resource that you want to check out but you can’t take notes, that’s ok. I’ll publish notes from each episode on http://www.EverBetterU.com with links to resources suggested by my guests.

The discussion won’t end when the podcast episode does. You’re joining a community of people who strive to interact with the world in a positive, optimistic way.  I hope that you’ll share your thoughts and experiences through the Ever Better U Facebook group or send me your thoughts by email at [email protected].

You may have heard a saying “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” So, if you are hearing this message, you will likely benefit from subscribing to the Ever Better Podcast.


You might be wondering, who is Lisa Vogt and why is she creating these Podcasts?

Well, for over 25 years, I’ve worked as a marketing and communications professional. I’ve held senior positions with corporations, non-profits, consulting firms, and owned businesses. My formal education includes an MBA and throughout my life I’ve practiced continuous learning.

But my main motivation to create the Ever Better podcast comes from my own breast cancer diagnosis and through speaking with many other women who have battled breast cancer. Women I refer to as breast cancer warriors.

In 2014, through a routine mammogram, follow-up mammograms and biopsies, I was diagnosed with DCIS or ductile carcinoma in situ. After lots of analysis and discussions with doctors, family members, friends, and other breast cancer warriors, I elected to have a bi-lateral mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.

I was blessed to have had an early diagnosis, made possible through my annual mammograms, and to have access to amazing health care professionals. I am thankful for this every day.

During the time that I was considering my treatment options, I would walk each morning and listen to a podcast. I was buoyed by positive messages of taking action and overcoming challenges. Some of my favorite podcasts were and still are by Jonathan Fields, Tim Ferriss, Joel Osteen, and Brendan Burchard. 

And, as I was being prepped for surgery in the very early morning before my mastectomy, I listened to an amazing podcast interview with Tim Ferriss, Anthony Robbins and Peter Diamandis. They were talking about thinking big and working towards extraordinary goals. Their discussion helped me to focus not on what would be happening to me over the next few hours, but on what I would be able to accomplish in the years to come.

My surgery was highly successful and no additional cancer was detected. And, fortunately, I did not have to undergo chemotherapy, radiation and additional treatments that a lot of men and women experience.

Throughout my breast cancer journey, I’ve found a welcoming community of people who are open to sharing their struggles, victories, hopes and concerns. I found groups established to help navigate the many decisions and steps from diagnosis to surgery to recovery and back to normal.

The common theme of these groups and communities is a place to share and hear stories of struggle and victory. But, there seems to never be enough time for discussion. 


So, the Ever Better Podcast will allow people to share their stories, experiences and knowledge through in-depth conversations. And, each episode will be instantly accessible when someone needs the information.

And, just as breast cancer is only one part of my life story, breast cancer will be just one part of this podcast. I’ll also bring you discussions with entrepreneurs, non-profit leaders, doctors, coaches, artists, authors, and others who live full, highly connected lives.


I know you’re busy and you might be wondering when to find the time to listen to Ever Better. Here are some suggestions.

Subscribe to this or other podcasts so that new episodes will automatically download to your phone, computer, tablet, Kindle, or other device. If you’re listening through iTunes, just click on the subscribe button. If you’re listening on Stitcher or another podcast player, add Ever Better to your playlist. To minimize your data usage, setup your podcasts to download when you have a wi-fi connection.

Once episodes are downloaded you can easily play one while exercising, cooking, cleaning the house, commuting to or from work, or waiting for a doctor’s appointment or waiting to pick up your kids from an activity.  

Or, if you manage to squeeze in a few minutes of alone time - grab a cup of coffee or tea, or maybe a mojito depending on the time of day or night, and enjoy an Ever Better conversation.

Most discussions will last 30 – 45 minutes and if you don’t have time to listen to a full interview, that’s ok. Just hit pause. You can resume the podcast the next day or the next time that you have a few free minutes. The podcast will be there when you’re ready.

In closing, I’d like to share my gratitude for my technical engineer, who is also my son. Thank you Conner! And, to my husband for supporting me in this and all my endeavors. Thanks Tim! I love you guys.

And now…Ever Better!