Christy Tehven left her full-time marketing gig before she knew how she would spend her time, or make a living. An early affinity for nature attracted her to a floral business. When her attempt to purchase an existing floral shop business didn’t pan out, Christy took some time for herself and went to a secluded cabin in the woods to figure it all out. She worked through Danielle Laporte’s book, The Fire Starter Sessions. This break gave Christy the clarity she needed to decide her next steps. And, with the encouragement of her husband, Greg, the two attended Action Camp. This program provided a safe and open space for Christy to voice her goals out loud, and accountability partners to support her when she felt like giving up.


During this episode, Christy describes the ups and downs of her journey which resulted in the creation of her one-of-a-kind business, Love Always Floral.

If you are considering a life or job transition but are having a hard time getting started I invite you to check out my Discover What’s Next coaching program. Allow me to help you create a more fulfilling future. Sign up for a 1-hour complimentary consultation.


Key Takeaways:


[5:33] Christy provides an update on her husband’s Emerging Prairie project.

[7:31] How Christy’s love of nature translates into her entrepreneurial floral venture.

[11:29] Action Camp gave Christy the accountability she needed to push forward with her project.

[17:30] Time alone in a cabin with Danielle Laporte’s, The Fire Starter Sessions, offered Christy clarity about which direction her life should take.

[23:35] Other female entrepreneurs and a CO.STARTERS course guided Christy through the process of opening her floral shop.

[27:01] Christy designed a higher-end brand with a pre-order business model.

[30:23] The ability to adjust her business model has served Christy well. NO more prom corsages!

[35:42] Christy is thrilled with her business's growth after only a year and a half.


Mentioned in This Episode:

Love Always Florals

Emerging Prairie

Action Camp

SURGE: Your Guide to Put Any Idea Into Action

Fire Starter Sessions


Ever Better Podcast Episode 31 with Greg Tehven

Ever Better Podcast Episode 62 with Steve Garguilo

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