Robert Sharpe is an inspiring and optimistic man who brings out the best in people. His live radio show, Bringing Inspiration to Earth is filled with inspirational triumphs from people who have overcome adversity. Robert has written two e-books, he interprets dreams, and works as a ghost writer. He reminds us that opportunity comes in many different forms, and to explore ideas to find hidden treasures lurking in the unfamiliar.

If you are ready to make a life transition, but are not sure where to start, my Discover Whats Next Coaching Program can help you create a more fulfilling life.


Listen to my conversation to hear Robert discuss:

Becoming self-aware

Discovering opportunities that hold unseen gifts

His first book, Joy Potential

Recognizing opportunity to experience and create your own joy

The part that positivity plays in your experiences

Overcoming negativity
His transition from the corporate banking world to the restaurant industry to becoming an author and host of Bite Radio - (Bring Inspiration to Earth)

The challenges of doing a live, daily radio show

The themes of inspiring people, spirituality and self-help, children’s literature, and environmental awareness on his show

The “little bit at a time” philosophy
Using a perception change to improve your job/career outlook 

His second book, It’s No Secret, Spirituality Bites
Identifying the needs of difficult people

Writing books and journaling as a means of therapy
Journaling to plant “the seeds of inspiration”

The gift of gratitude as it minimizing struggles

Writing two new books simultaneously Being a caregiver and the struggles of coping as a caregiver Science Fiction - dream interpretation

Recommended books:

Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream, by Michael Lennox

Dreams 1,2,3, by J.M. DeBord

 Quotes from Robert:

“It’s the ripple effect. If you change one person’s life then, everyone who their life touches, changes as well.”

 “Awareness is where it all begins.”

 “Talking to people, hearing their stories, finding out what they did, really helped me raise my awareness of their challenges.”

 “Life is all about relationships.”


Contact Robert:

Website: Bite Radio

Facebook: Robert Sharpe @RPSharpe

Linkedin: Robert Sharpe

Book: Joy Potential


Contact Lisa: [email protected]

Work with Lisa: