A quarter of a century from the moment that broke a million hearts, Take That’s Howard Donald speaks openly about his life in Take That with celebrity event planner and brand consultant, Liz Taylor, during the season finale interview of her Events That Made Me podcast. He reveals the ups and downs of life in one of the UK’s most successful pop bands, including losing Robbie Williams from the group in 1995, and his deep personal passion for song-writing.

Liz, who also happened to be in charge of Howard’s wedding to Katie Halil in 2015, asks Howard about the split, which was in 1996 - a year on from when heartthrob Robbie Williams rocked the nation by announcing he was leaving the band.  Howard reveals that it was actually at an unassuming army barracks in Stockport, south Manchester, that Robbie’s departure was decided.  Saying: “Why did we split up? Well, it kind of split off … Robbie left the room when we were actually rehearsing.  We were rehearsing in Stockport at the territorial army barracks. He left. And we made that decision, that crucial decision, to carry on.”

Liz Taylor’s 30-year career in event planning has built an impressive portfolio of events, including celebrity weddings, charity fundraisers like Children in Need with Gary Barlow and huge gala dinners such as Winter White Gala at Kensington Palace for HRH Duke of Cambridge, as well as the Manchester United Champions League winning after party in Moscow and Coronation Street’s 40th anniversary celebrations. During lockdown in March, with the events industry on hold, she turned her attention to launching her own consultancy and realised a lifelong ambition in launching her own podcast. 

Liz Taylor
Instagram - @liztaylorconsultancy
Twitter - @ConsultancyLiz
Facebook - facebook.com/LizTaylorConsultancy

LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/liztaylor-tlc

Website - liz-taylor-consulting.co.uk

Howard Donald

Instagram - @howarddonald

Twitter - @HowardDonald

Facebook - facebook.com/howarddonaldofficial