Featuring new USIP research on the crucial role of inclusive dialogue and negotiation processes, this event looked at the characteristics of peace processes that most successfully foster citizen trust in a renewed social compact and long-term sustainable democratization. The discussion also provided key insights and recommendations for activists and external peacebuilding actors working to ensure successful dialogue and foster democratic outcomes — as well as how to apply those insights and recommendations in on-the-ground cases. 


Zied Boussen
Tunisian Activist and Researcher

Veronique Dudouet
Senior Research Advisor, Berghof Foundation

Zahra Hayder
Sudanese Activist and Organizer

Roman-Gabriel Olar
Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin

Jonathan Pinckney
Senior Researcher, Nonviolent Action, U.S. Institute of Peace 

Lise Grande, moderator
President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace