In the three months since the Taliban takeover, Afghanistan’s numerous economic and humanitarian challenges have reached a catastrophic tipping point. On December 3, USIP hosted a discussion with leading international experts and aid workers on the current economic and humanitarian challenges in Afghanistan, as well as how the U.S and international community can better assist Afghans at this time of significant need.


Scott Worden, welcoming remarks
Director, Afghanistan & Central Asia, U.S Institute of Peace

Vicki Aken
Afghanistan Country Director, International Rescue Committee 

William Byrd
Senior Expert, Afghanistan, U.S. Institute of Peace 

Abdallah Al Dardari
Resident Representative in Afghanistan, United Nations Development Program 

Khalid Payenda
Former Acting Finance Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Kate Bateman, moderator 
Senior Expert, Afghanistan, U.S. Institute of Peace


For more information about this event, please visit: