Today on a more serious note, we’re talking about physical safety and security at events. This is one of the most important topics to cover, and especially nowadays. There’s always so much to think about when you’re playing an event, right? It’s a rollercoaster, it seems like everything might go wrong, and there’s not enough room space in your brain to worry about every single detail. But there’s one thing that event planners must always keep in mind! And that’s exactly the safety of their attendees.

You might be wondering just exactly what this means. What does security at events entail? Sounds like a broad enough topic, and also a very costly thing. But if you know what to expect, and what the best practices are, you’re good. From that point on, you’re ready to put together an event that won’t just be successful, it’ll be safe and secure!

Safety at Events – What Every Event Planner Needs to Know – #EventIcons Episode 74
Event Safety Alliance