It's time for the coolest conversation ever about AR and VR for events! This topic isn't new for us here at Endless. And the reason we enjoy it so much is because it's slowly but steadily revolutionizing the industry. As event planners, we need to make sure we're always paying attention to the hottest trends out there. And especially those that have the power to improve the attendee experience. So on this week's episode of #EventIcons, we're breaking down all things AR and VR for events.

In order to give you the scoop, we've invited Donny Neufuss to join our lovely host Lindsay Martin. And Donny was previously on Event Tech Podcast with us. He is the Senior Vice President of Corporate Partnerships at Brightline Interactive, a company that specializes in providing the latest digital tools and immersively technology experiences for brands, sports, entertainment, and the events industry. So, are you ready to join the technology bandwagon? Press play, we're getting iconic!