It's time to dive deep into the world of 2020 event marketing trends! Because it's December, the next episodes of #eventicons will focus on what's to come. And, of course, what these trends mean for our industry. So today, we kickstart this series of episodes with 2020 event marketing trends. As event professionals, marketing is an enormous part of what we do. And being on top of what will change and what will remain the same puts us one step ahead in the game.

To help us out with this exciting conversation, we welcome two iconic guests, Nicole Osibodu and Mark Granovsky. Nicole is an event planner professor at San Diego State University and the President and co-founder of Haute Dokimazo. Mark is the CEO of G2Planet, an enterprise software company that provides corporate event marketing and management solutions to large companies. So, are you ready for this? Press play, it's time for #Eventicons!