Andy White talks to The Barefoot Players, the cast of The Importance of being Earnest showing at the Iambic Theatre in May. The performance is a sexy modern update of Oscar Wilde’s classic social satire for Brighton Fringe Festival 2011 <– lifted straight from The Barefoot Player’s Facebook page, hope you don’t mind guys.

The cast, in order of appearance:

Sarah King plays the formidable Lady Bracknell
Sam Black plays Jack or is it Ernest Worthing? He's also a muscian/musical director and has composed a score
James Davies the director
Eleanor Conlon, she plays Gwendolen and doesn't laugh at her own jokes but laughs at dentist jokes from Sam and Andy (I think I have that right)
Andy Mansell - Algernon Moncrieff who apparently plays piano badly and in real life can design websites
Steven Bollschweiler - Algernon Moncrieff's butler
Katie Sommers - Cecily Cardue - Jack's niece - she's a bit mad, not in real life though
Edward Johnson - Dr. Chasuble - the village vicar - he's doing the set in real life

The Importance of being Earnest, 7-9 May 2011 Brighton Festival Fringe